New By Uttarakhand Sandesh 2021-08-14

5 golden tips on how to burn fat while Sleeping

It's not clickbait, burning fat while sleeping is actually possible! 

Are you upset with the stubborn belly fat that doesn’t leave the door of your body? Do you find it tough to exercise for long hours with fewer results? If yes, then you are at the right place!

Let me state a fact- When you are sleeping, your metabolic rate is still active. This means your body is consuming calories to keep you functioning. So if you think that your body has gone into the ‘switch off’ mode then you need to reconsider the thought. You can use your shut-eye time to actually burn fat. The trick is to make the right choices while you’re awake. It will help your body in burning fat while you sleep.

Here are five tips you can implement to burn fat while you are sleeping -


Many people live in this misconception that sleeping less will help them in reducing the excessive fat from their bodies. Let’s bust this myth. Good quality and longer-lasting sleep legit helps you in burning more calories


Protein is often underrated, it plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy weight. It helps in speeding up your metabolism. Moreover, protein can help you in staying full for longer durations, saving you from those midnight hunger pangs!

Everyone should stick to a sleep schedule. You should go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. By doing so, your body’s circadian rhythm works with you. It helps you fall asleep faster and wake up more easily.


Building muscle can make a huge difference as muscle burns more calories than fat while you are sleeping. Doing some strength training can help you build muscle fast.


A recent study suggests that people who sleep in a colder environment burn more calories while they sleep. One reason for this is that a cold environment helps you in relaxing better. It helps in improving the quality of your sleep. And as I have already mentioned above, better sleep leads to burning more fat overnight. 


This is a piece of bad news for those who love to binge-watch NETFLIX at night! Science says we should sleep in the dark, especially when we want to burn fat while sleeping. Having any source of light on before sleeping messes up the way our circadian rhythm regulates our metabolism. Your phone and other gadgets can get in the way of having a quality sleep. Avoid checking them out at least 30 minutes before dozing off. 

In a nutshell, if you want to effectively burn fat while sleeping, eat more protein and practice some strength training daily. And at night, regulate your sleep schedule and sleep in a cool and dark environment. Follow these suggestions religiously and you will start to see the results soon!